Mandy Monreal was born and raised in Yardley, PA, and currently resides in Irving, TX. She received her Bachelor of Music Degree in Theory/Composition in 2011 from Westminster Choir College in Princeton, NJ, where she studied composition with Dr. Joel Phillips. Mandy’s composition, Voices Unfolding, was selected as Westminster Choir College’s Graduating Class Anthem of 2011. Since then, she has had many works commissioned throughout the country. Additionally, Mandy possesses a strong musical background in voice and piano. She has sung in many prestigious choirs, including Westminster Choir under the direction of Dr. Joe Miller. 

Mandy first discovered her love for Jewish music as a cantorial soloist at Brothers of Israel, in Newtown, PA, and in more recent years has collaborated as a composer, soloist, and accompanist at Temple Shalom, in Dallas, TX. Many of her original melodies set to liturgical texts have become a regular part of worship there. Mandy founded Mandy Monreal Music in July of 2020 as a way to further connect her music and spirituality with others. 

After working in the public education system for over a decade, three of those years as the Head Choir Director at Lady Bird Johnson Middle School in Irving, TX, Mandy is currently serving as the Music Coordinator/Composer-in-Residence at Temple Shalom in Dallas, TX. It is her greatest joy to share her love of music and spirituality with others!